Restaurant Application

The restaurant booking app allows users to browse through their favourite restaurants based on time, date, cuisine and budget and book a table for one of their choice in a hassle-free manner and without waiting outside or calling in! This app also allows restaurants to manage customers and tables with amazing ease and all customer history at their fingertips

Client: Restaurant Application
Skills: React, Node, AWS

Social Network for Sports is an initiative that connects sportspersons from the rookie to the professional level, thus bridging the gap between other Players, Academies, Coaches, Scouts and Physios. This platform offers numerous features that would lead to the positive transformation of the Sports ecosystem.

In order to bring this change, SportsBrick’s team worked for years with the people established in the sports industry and contemplated the various stumbling blocks in the life of sportspersons.

Sportsbrick was initiated in 2016 and has more than 100K followers on the internet.

Client: Sportsbrick Networks Private Limited
Skills: React, Node, AWS

Chatting Application

This application has everything that you need in an IONIC App. It is a full-fledge application with tons of component integration along with and has everything that was required to give a top-notch feel.

A clean implementation of robust server-side technology, Nodejs and MongoDB as database and with similar architecture as followed by applications like Whatsapp.

Client: Chatting Application
Skills: Nodejs, MongoDB

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